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"Brücken für Kinder e.V." honours THE HEDGEHOG FILE


The non-profit association "Brücken für Kinder e.V." in Hamburg honours the violence prevention project "The Hedgehog File" at a big gala and awards the 2014 prize, which is endowed with 20 financed performances that benefit children in primary schools and kindergardens in northern Germany. 

We are very happy about this recognition and honour!

THE HEDGEHOG FILE receives award


The violence prevention project was honoured for its work by the Federal Ministry of Interior, the European Union and the Zeitbild Foundation as part of the nationwide campaign "Prevent violence - promote integration" in 2013. But not only the project , but all project managers and the creator of "The Hedgehog File", the actor and author Olaf Krätke.


We are very happy about this recognition and honour!



The Kiwanis District Deutschland e.V. awards the violence prevention project "The Hedgehog File" for its social commitment. The prize was presented to the project's creator and manager, actor and author Olaf Krätke at a gala in Rust. The Kiwanis Prize is endowed with 10,000 euros and benefits the children in the form of performances and actions of the project in kindergardens and elementary schools in Germany.


We are very happy about this award and the recognition!